Effects And Solutions For Oral Problems Due To Antidepressants

26 January 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Medications can affect your oral health in various ways. Below are some ways antidepressants can affect oral health and how you can deal with the effects. 

Implant Failure

Antidepressants have several complications and side effects that increase the risk of implant failure. Below are some of these side effects.


Antidepressants can trigger bone tissue loss, causing the bone to become brittle and fragile. The condition, which doctors call osteoporosis, increases the risk of implant failure by weakening the implant-bone integration.


Antidepressant drugs also increase the risk of bruxism, which causes chronic teeth grinding and clenching. Bruxism increases the risk of implant failure since it destabilizes the implant before osseointegration.

Dental Infections

Xerostomia, or chronic mouth grinding, is another possible side effect of antidepressants. Chronic dry mouth is dangerous since you need saliva to clean and remineralize your teeth. With inadequate saliva, bacteria can thrive in your mouth and produce acids that damage your teeth. Thus, antidepressants indirectly increase your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Gum Problems

Antidepressants can occasionally trigger gum problems, such as gum hyperplasia. The condition refers to the overgrowth or enlargement of gum tissues around the teeth. The overgrown tissues can cause discomfort, increase your risk of gum disease, and interfere with chewing. Multiple things can cause gum hyperplasia, including antidepressants.


Many medications other than antidepressants have side effects that affect oral or dental health. However, you can manage these side effects and maintain a healthy mouth. Below are measures that help.

Patient Education

Educate yourself on medication that affects your oral health. Read drug labels before using them. Inform your dentist and doctor of all medications you are taking. Discuss the effects of these medications with your medical providers, so you know what to expect. Your doctor may also suggest drug versions with minimal side effects.

Proper Drug Use

Improper use of drugs amplifies their side effects. Ensure you use drugs exactly as prescribed. Avoid self-medication because you might use more antidepressants than you should and increase your susceptibility to dental problems.

Preventive Treatment

Inform your dentist about using antidepressants or other drugs with oral side effects. That way, your dentist can help you with preventive treatment to minimize the side effects. For example, your dentist may offer dental sealing to reduce the risk of cavities.  

Hopefully, you won't suffer any oral problems due to your medications. Don't stop taking any medication without consulting your doctor or dentist. Contact your dentist to learn more.