Issues With Your Gums You Should Never Ignore And What Dental Specialist You Should See For Your Needs

15 January 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


When it comes to your oral health, your gums tell a big story. Healthy gums provide a great foundation for your teeth and are a sign that you are taking good care of your mouth. If your gums have issues, however, you need to know what to look for so you can get to a periodontist (a dentist who deals specifically with gum disease and gum-related illness) as soon as possible. Here are issues with your gums you should never ignore, and why.

Receding gum line

A receding gum line is often a strong indicator that there is infection in the pockets under the teeth, and your gums are reacting to the bacteria by pulling away. This can become a serious issue for a few reasons. The bacteria can spread from the pockets under your teeth to your teeth themselves, causing plaque buildup and tooth decay, and their roots can become exposed as a result of weak gum coverage. If you notice a receding gum line, see your dentist right away to see if you need periodontal care.

Swollen gums

Similar to receding gums, swollen gums are also an issue that can be related to bacterial buildup and infection. As the pockets underneath your teeth where your gum line exists fill with bacteria, your gums can swell as a result. In addition to swelling, you may notice tenderness, a darkening of gum tissue (especially behind your teeth in hard-to-reach areas) or a foul-smelling or tasting fluid extracting from your gums with gentle pressure.

Left untreated, your gum swelling can continue to worsen, and lead to tooth sensitivity or bleeding gums as a result. If you notice your gums swelling in large areas of your mouth, you should see a periodontist to see if you have a condition like gingivitis that needs to be addressed.

Open sores

Open sores in along your gum line, such as canker sores or a cut, should be seen by your dentist right away for treatment to prevent infection. If you get small white sores that sting to the touch often, you may have a recurring case of canker sores that your periodontist can help diagnose and treat with special rinses, antibiotics, or mouthwash. Sores are also rarely a sign of more serious conditions, such as diabetes, immune deficiency, or even cancer, so seeing a periodontist as soon as you can is the best way to treat this kind of issue.

Gum problems can happen to anyone, and are often an indication of unseen infection that can spread to other areas of your mouth and affect your teeth. If you notice swelling, receding, or sores on your gums, see a periodontist like one from Periodontal Specialists as soon as you can so you can have these problems addressed.