4 Benefits Of A Root Canal

18 August 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If your tooth becomes infected, you may need a root canal. When a dentist performs a root canal, the dental nerve and the pulp, which are the soft living materials that lie inside the tooth, are removed. After the removal, the interior of the tooth is thoroughly disinfected and sealed to prevent further infection. In addition, a dental filling is used to fill the empty interior of the tooth before a dental crown is finally fitted for protection and beautification.

Having a root canal may seem scary. However, the dental impact of forgoing the procedure should seem more frightening. A root canal may be the only way to preserve a damaged tooth. Here are a few benefits of having a root canal.

No extraction.

Once a tooth becomes infected, it often becomes inflamed. The dental nerve inside the tooth can become so irritated that tooth pain becomes almost unbearable. To stop the pain, the dental nerve has to be removed, or the tooth has to be extracted. Once the dentist performs the root canal, the infection and the inflamed nerve are no longer present. Thus, there is no need for an extraction.

Stops a tooth infection from progressing.

A root canal removes the infected tooth material to stop the progression of the infection. During the root canal, your dentist will drill a hole in the tooth to access the infected pulp. The material will be scraped away, so that the infection cannot progress to your jawbone or to adjacent teeth. An infection that reaches your jawbone may even enter your bloodstream and become systemic.

Stops teeth from shifting. 

A root canal can prevent your teeth from shifting by preserving the affected tooth. A tooth prevents adjacent teeth from becoming misaligned by holding its place and limiting available space for movement. Once a tooth is missing, there is space available for the teeth around it to shift. This can result in misalignment, even for teeth that were once perfectly straight.

Stops pain from reoccurring.

Once the dental nerve is removed from the root canal, there should be no further pain in the tooth. 

If you have a tooth infection, your dentist will likely suggest a root canal. The procedure is necessary to salvage the tooth and help prevent further issues with infection or inflammation. If you are experiencing throbbing pain in a tooth, the tooth could be infected. Call an endodontist to schedule an appointment today.